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Developmental Trends in Peer Victimization and Emotional Distress in LGB and Heterosexual Youth

In February 2013 a very interesting article was published in the journal Pediatrics Research Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois and the Department of Sport and Education, of Brunel University in the United Kingdom, about the violence and emotional distress of heterosexual, gay and bisexual youth. This was the first longitudinal study on this topic.

This study had 2 objectives: the 1st one was to provide the first evidence of developmental trends in victimization rates for lesbian, gay, and bisexual  and heterosexual youth and to examine differences by gender. The second objective was to examine links between victimization, sexual identity, and later emotional distress.

The results showed that the victimization of the homosexual and  heterosexual youth decreased in absolute but not necessarily relative, terms.

For the full document of the research you can visit the official web page of the magazine here