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TEEN DATING VIOLENCE: psychological abuse can leed teenagers to be victimized or perpetrating violence through their relationships.

According to survey results announced by the University of Iowa through the journal «Journal of Youth and Adolescence» domestic violence leads to teen dating violence.

The research focused on the psychological violence and  according to the findings for the occurrence of teen dating violence  the psychological violence between a parent and child was more significant than a child witnessing violence between two adults at home.

Brenda Lohman, lead author and an associate professor of human development and family studies at Iowa State University  stated that  “It is true that if you grow up in a violent household you have a higher likelihood of being in a violent relationship. If the parent is more aggressive toward the child, the child is more likely to be in relationships where they’re being victimized or perpetrating violence against their partner a few years or even a decade later.”

It is one of the first studies to examine patterns of violence  occurred to children exposed to psychological violence and family stress . Researchers relied on data from the Iowa “Youth and Family Project” a 24-year project assessing families in rural Iowa, as well as video recordings of families and couples having a discussion or completing assigned problem-solving tasks.

Family intervention as well as prevention programs in schools are the answer to the teen dating violence.  According to Brenda Lohman “The earlier you can teach relationship skills the better.” The relationship teenagers will build with their parents will be the model  of relationship they will use with their friends or  with their partners.

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