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Advice given to the child who bullies

Most of the time we do things in a certain way but after rethinking it again, we come to the conclusion that we could have done it differently.


If one of your colleagues talks about being bullied or if your teachers tell it to you, do not overreact immediately but

  1. Notice your behavior towards the child
  2. Remember that not liking someone doesn’t have anything to do with bullying him.
  3. Try to find your own responsibility regarding your colleague problem
  4. If you are somehow involved try to think how you got involved. Why are you doing it.
  5. Under any circumstances you will not feel sorry for the child. Simply try to understand his feelings.
  6. Nobody will blame you if you ask for his help. Talk about it with people you trust like your parents or your teachers.
  7. Call National Helpline for Children SOS 1056, with no charge and anonymously, to talk to a psychologist